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Om Duniani

Duniani ni kampuni moja na chama cha mashirika yasiyo ya faida Dunianiforhope ambaye hushirikiana na Schoolforhope.Tunaendesha mradi wa mazingira Tanzania Dar es salaame na ilianzishwa mwaka 2014. Maono ni kuongeza ufahamu wa mazingira nchini Sweden na Tanzania. Duniani huuza mifuko ya mazingira ambayo yanaweza kutumika tena na ya kirafiki zaidi kuliko mifuko ya kawaida ya plastiki. Lengo pia ni kuwa na uwezo wa kuuza bidhaa za ubunifu na za kirafiki. Katika kila kuuza, pesa inapaswa kuchangia miradi ya mazingira nchini Tanzania.

Om Duniani


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Om projektet

Mradi wa mazingira nchini Tanzania.

1. Panga warsha na ujulishe juu ya faida za kuchagua na kuchakata vifaa. 
2. Ununuzi wa ardhi 
3. Kujenga 
kituo cha kuchakata muundo 
4. Kununua vifaa na kulipa mishahara kwa wafanyakazi. 
5. Jenga mimea ya mwako kwa ajili ya kuwaka. Umeme huenda vijiji ambavyo hazina umeme leo.

Duniani is proud to announce a partnership with Mazingira plus. The collaboration means that Duniani wants to be involved and support mazingira Plus for their important work. Duniani hereby starts a fundraiser for a Zero waste schools' program in Dar es salaam public schools.

Waste management in Tanzania is still far from perfect. Less than 50% of waste is collected and transported to official dumping sites. The rest are dumped into illegal sites, rivers and wetlands or burned in open areas leading to environmental pollution.  Dar es Salaam Public Schools (Primary and secondary) have poor waste management systems that only imply burring of waste in pits or burning. There is no proper mechanism for students to learn how they can segregate waste in schools and learn waste management best practices, circular economy and zero waste models. This problem is caused by the behavior of waste mismanagement where children inherit from one generation to another. To achieve a sustainable waste management, we must start with the young generation.

The Zero Waste Schools program involves building recycling facilities at the Public Schools, where students can sort out different materials such as plastic, organic, and residual waste and convert it into reusable resources through recycling, reuse, and composting practices. The program increases environmental awareness, changes behaviors, and intends to enhance better waste management systems.

Mazingira Plus has already managed to build up a Zero Waste School Program as pilot project at Kibasila High School. In the new recycling facility, 1400 pupils can now sort out different materials such as plastic, organic and residuals. Mazingira Plus is now seeking more partners and scale up and duplicate the idea to other 5 schools for the year 2024 to 2025.

“Education is the key to prosperity; it opens up a world of opportunities that enable each and every one of us to contribute to a sustainable society."

 If you want to help the Zero Waste School program to educate and build more recycling facilities, we are grateful for your contribution to the funding.

Please read about the Zero waste school program



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Zaidi ya sanduku la mazingira tu

Mradi unaoendelea zaidi ya ununuzi.

Wazo alikuja kama flash kutoka angani wazi.Napenda kuendeleza sanduku la vitendo, reusable na mazingira kirafiki. Fedha ingeenda kwenye mradi wa mazingira nchini Tanzania ambako hapo awali niligundua tatizo la mifuko ya plastiki. Kisha nimepata sanduku kamili la mazingira. Mashirika yasiyo ya kusuka. Rahisi, maridadi na yanaweza kutumika tena! Ilikuwa kamili kwa kuongeza ufahamu wa mazingira na kuchangia mradi wa mazingira nchini Tanzania.

Tack! Meddelande skickat.

Organisations nummer: 870615-3049 
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